Joys of Carol

Christmas Eve 2019

Trieu Luu
3 min readDec 31, 2020

(Chinese Version中文版)

It was a typical Tuesday that I headed to the office, as usual. Walking down the hallway, I paced slowly as a giant Christmas tree caught my attention, to a short pause. Around the cubicles, colorful decorations emerged as I was navigating to my desk.

It was the day of Christmas Eve. Memories of the previous year’s New York City trip flashed my mind, and I finally uttered “I miss it…”.

Lunchtime. I grabbed food with my buddy, staring at the empty scene and satisfying my appetite. I inquired if he had plans for this special night.

“Why don’t you come to our church’s carol singing night? You don’t have plans anyway.”

With hesitance, I accepted his invite. I expected a new experience.

It was a typical church gathering, quite similar to those I attended. The hall was filled with adults’ chatting and kids’ running around. Such vibrant engagements created a close-knit community where kindness was emphasized. The service commenced with prayers, for ourselves, partners, family, and the world. Several groups were formed, with a leader, and we departed to sing carols.

With cars slowly parking on the streets, we arrived at pre-determined destinations. A flock of happy church-goers broke the silence of the empty town scattered with shiny Christmas lights. The tune began with a leading voice, permeating the atmosphere, following by carol melodies. Time seemed to stop as if only yielding pure and joy to pass. The sweet harmony conveyed much peace and love to the bustling cities of Silicon Valley.

As our voices stopped, we were invited inside the house and greeted by the kindness and hospitality of strangers. It was crowded, chaotic, yet warm. Conversations started and blessings delivered. Plenty of food such as cookies, chips, cake, and juice was served, fueling us up for the next round.

Our carol singing concluded at the pastor’s house. By then I got acquainted with some people and a sense of belonging due to familiar language and culture. Since food was never enough, the pastor served us sesame oil chicken soup. Just as the alcoholic aroma warmed me up physically, people’s kindness and compassion warmed me up spiritually during that chilly winter night.

Indeed, it was a special night, a night well-spent. The birthday of Jesus gathered us and our hearts in tune, filled with pure joy, the same way carols were sung. It reminded me of the meaning of Christmas — sharing love with others, our neighbors. It was not another holiday I could travel. It was Christmas Eve, planting the seeds of caring for each other as humanity.

My faith in humanity restored a bit. Feeling warm, perhaps due to the chicken soup, I glanced at the starry sky. Smiled. My heart was ringing “… Singing brings us all together when our voices would be small. Gives us power undivided now united once and all…”.

